There’s sassy chic alongside an understated vintage glamor. There are modernist structures as well as homes and churches that date back to the 17th and 18th centuries. There is a distinct Frenchy feel in the sidewalk cafés and the aroma of freshly-baked croissants wafting out of them.
There are also pockets of Italiana where patrons sip on cappuccino and creamy espresso while watching soccer. Here cutting-edge art mingles imperceptibly with classic works that have survived the test of time and fleeting preferences. Here dotted amongst soaring skyscrapers are pockets of nature where the seasons unfurl their true colours. On your Canada tour, Montréal is your culture stop—a place where the past is lovingly preserved, artists are free to give form to their avant-garde ideas, and the Montréaler is as comfortable flaunting bohemian chic as he is when he dons a high-street fashion label. From sprawling open markets that stock fresh produce to swanky malls that sell luxury goods from global brands and from the intricately-carved interiors of the Notre-Dame Basilica to the futuristic geodesic dome of the Biosphère, holidays in Montréal are filled with intriguing contrasts and stunning juxtapositions.